Now Available on and iTunes! 26 July, L A.S.1. Militant Eroticism – Episode 26 – Virtually Dating: Good Riddance to Pseudo-Romance2. Something Different with Heather Height – Episode 8 – Stand Up Philosophy and the Sociology of Centurions3. Satanism Today – Episode 1 – Interview with Reverend Crowell4. Creature Feature – Magister Rose, Infernalia Interview YouTube / Stitcher / iTunes / RSS Feed / Direct MP3 / Website NOTE: Enter the 9sense Listener Survey Contest here.Enter for a chance to win an exclusive 9sense L, A.S. Contributor Segment T-Shirt!
magister david harris
Now Available on and iTunes! 21 June, L A.S.1. The Devil’s Advocate – Every Man and Woman is a Star… by Peter H. Gilmore2. Agent Provocateur – Episode 23 – Taking the Piss Out of You3. Creature Feature – Magister David Harris’ Satanism Today Notes:Satanism Today is Back! It is now the 9th segment on 9sense. Tune in to learn more. Militant Eroticism book is now available as a paperback, ebook and discounted hardcover! YouTube / Stitcher / iTunes / RSS Feed / Direct MP3 / Website
Vagina Time. A new comedy from the minds of Heather Height, David Harris, & Mark & Brian Dhaniram. When Comedian Heather Height sells out her integrity for fame, her meteoric rise to the top sends the life she knew into ruins, and leaves her with only one question to ask: what time is it?“ Coming Summer 2015 (Source:
Is Social Media Ruining Comedy? – The New Yorker Controversy has always been the lifeblood of comedy. The best comedy has to be offensive, or at least offensive to someone, to prove that it is good. —Magister David Harris
Moderates of all faiths need to realize that the extremists among them are a cancer that needs to be cut out and removed. And the best treatment for this cancer is ridicule. Bravo to Mayor Aboutaleb. —Magister David Harris
A Special and Very Spooky Halloween Episode! Season 3 – Episode 9 : Mark of The ManChild Includes an interview with the Church of Satan’s Magister David Harris talking about Religion…Sex…Drugs… and Rock and Roll!
“For those of you living in more conservative areas that don’t allow smut on the newsstands, you can pick up a copy of the October issue of Penthouse Forum magazine, featuring my article "Sex Magic: Unlocking The Secrets of Erotic Energy” (they hated my title, “Sex Magic For Regular People: Erotic Rites Explained By a Regular Guy… Who Happens To Be a Priest in the Church of Satan,”) directly from the manufacturer here.“ —Magister David Harris
“The Ochelli Effect is a journey of discovery, raising awareness to the true psycho-social realities that we as a population endure, sharply focused on the appalling truth of the alternative media and the enthralling lies of the main stream. Challenging both, Chuck Ochelli (A.K.A. The Blind JFK Researcher on YouTube and elsewhere), presents an honest and unique prospective backed by decades of deep political, geo-social and cultural trends research.” Magister Harris was interviewed on August 23rd.
Why is there an “invocation” in the first place? Why are our government officials “praying” to anything during our time, paid for by our tax dollars? That’s some unconstitutional horseshit, right there. Pray on your own time, if you really think prayer guides you. If you’re on my time, your ass better be doing something more akin to law-making than sitting on your knees asking Jeebus if he thinks the intersection of Main & Park needs a flashing red light or just a stop sign. —Magister David Harris