lesser magic

16 posts

The Black Flame article - Misunderstood, Misrepresented & Malpracticed – A Satanic Warlock on Satanic Magic by Reverend Campbell

Misunderstood, Misrepresented & Malpracticed – A Satanic Warlock on Satanic Magic

an article & video for The Black Flame—December, LI A.S. Magic is the bloodstream of the universe. Forget all you know, or think you know. All that you require is your intuition. – High Aldwin; Willow, 1988 I found myself paralyzed. I was physically and emotionally paralyzed with marvel as I watched the M1A1 Abrams tank fire it’s first round downrange and the atmosphere itself react. I could see the soundwaves of the burst as it rippled out from the cannon, spreading in all directions through space-time. Passing by and crashing against everything around it. Moving everything lacking the strength […]

The Black Flame article - “You Are Not The Sum of Those That Follow You” or “Social Media is Not Satanic” by Reverend Campbell

“You Are Not The Sum of Those That Follow You” or “Social Media is Not Satanic”

an article & video for The Black Flame—August, LI A.S.  In the early and mid 1960’s, Elvis Presley was surrounded by his most trusted & loved friends, family and fans. Hype men and women had led him to believe that he was the most popular star in the world. It wasn’t until Elvis began filming his ‘68 Comeback Special that he was served the cold hard truth. He had fallen into obscurity and no one really cared about his music. He walked down the street with nary a second glance from the other street dwellers. He had inadvertently surrounded himself […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

RADIO FREE SATAN:  DARK VOICES – EPISODE 006 – THE SATANIC WITCH PART IV “This episode, we conclude our series on The Satanic Witch with Magister Bill M. We break down The LaVey Personality Synthesizer Clock, the three layers of personality and what they mean in the bigger picture. We talk about the chapter "E.S.P. Extra Sensory Perception” some more to get the male perspective, Bill talks about his time as a professional tarot card reader, grooming for men, and his many talents as a musician and how he has applied those techniques as a warlock.“ Radio Free Satan is […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

“The Satanic Warlock” NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDERING!  APERIENT PRESS is publishing the latest entry into the Church of Satan canon, due in your hands on or before October 31, 2016. Don’t miss out as these are selling fast! Click on this link to order your copy of the hardcover first edition limited to 666 copies.

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Ladies & Gentlemen… by Magister George Spraguean article for The Black Flame—March, LI A.S. “…Your attention please!” Such delightful words, uttered by those who wish to direct attention towards themselves or an event that is about to happen. The connotation is there: those being addressed are presumed to be ladies, and gentlemen. However, how often is that not the case? How often is the polite call for attention reciprocated with rudeness by some?

 After all, there are exceptions everywhere. At every gathering, there are those who simply do not want to engage in civil discourse and behavior. Their actions and […]

The Black Flame article - Ritual Alchemy: The Magic of Brewing by Reverend Campbell

Ritual Alchemy: The Magic of Brewing

an article for The Black Flame—January, LI A.S. al·che·my   /ˈalkəmē/nounA seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination. Brewing Is Magic From our ancient history, we humans have sought power over those around us. To create and destroy is inherent in our DNA. On the rare occasion, there are those of us who step outside of the herd and demand more. We demand authority over those around us and respect from those who claim to know us. Of those rare few are an even smaller few who rather than just wanting authority, take it. This is done most often through […]

The Secret Conversation

Men say, “uh,” and women prefer, “um,” according to a recent study of conversational filler words. It seems that, in many cases, “uh” is used by men to prevent others from speaking, while “um” shows that a woman might be listening or thinking. This is in keeping with the gender contrasts explored most unabashedly in Anton LaVey’s The Satanic Witch. So if an outwardly macho man says “um,” that could be your secret clue that he’s hiding a more sensitive side. That’s what we call, uh, Lesser Magic. —Warlock M. Mandrake