FOR ADULTS ONLY “From the sick and twisted mind of Ryan Reeves comes Poems from the Bathroom Wall. Illustrated by Josh Latta, this book is original content in the style of poems you may find on the wall in public restrooms. In this volume, every filthy bathroom hi-jink and sexual practice is described in the sing-song style that bathroom poetry fans worldwide have come to appreciate and expect every time they sit down to use a public toilet. The author doesn’t officially condone bathroom graffiti but finds much of it hilarious. Wanting to reach a greater audience with his own […]
josh latta
Raising Hell – The Satanic Perspective on Parenting Episode LX – October 13th, 2017 – A-Hole-Lotta Latta! A Witch and Her Bitch; Laughs, Libidos and Listener Letters with Erin and Josh Latta! Available on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, and Facebook! Check out the website of Josh Latta and his digs to see what amazingly blasphemous cartoonery he has to offer at Lattaland & Underworld Amusements!
Speak of the Devil presents: Beelzebubblegum—Episode 001 Sunday, July 30th / 3pm MST Speak of the Devil presents Beelzebubblegum, the anti-game show for the anti-Christian in all of us. Join hosts Erin and Josh Latta as we play the game with Reverend Campbell and the live audience in chat. You may be the lucky winner, but there’s only one way to find out! Beelzebubblegum is the brand new game created by sinners, for sinners… and the gays, straights, queers, bros, sluts, greasers, jets, sharks and n00bs. Sign Up to the Email List. Subscribe to the YouTube Channel. Give a Rating & […]
THAT’S A HORRIBLE THING TO SAY, JOSH LATTA! Cartoons by Josh LattaPaperback, 78 pages, 5×8" Underworld Amusements ISBN: 978-1943687008 The titular phrase of this cartoon collection is the selfsame ejaculation of many denizens of social media who happen to scroll past one of the named artists digitized drawings. Possibly you yourself have seen these graphical hijinx and either recoiled in horror or exclaimed in hilarity. And now… for the first time ever, six dozen of these precious little monsters/gems have been collected in one place! That’s right, now you can get your grubby little mitts on a good old-fashioned book […]