Leo Markun provides a strong introduction to the history, life, and philosophy of Johann Caspar Schmidt, known professionally as Max Stirner, the father of Egoism. This long essay was first released in 1925 as part of the Little Blue Book series by the prolific publisher Emanuel Haldeman-Julius (1889-1951). Available from Underworld Amusements This booklet was printed on a 1930s Linotype Letterpress by Michael E. Coughlin, editor and publisher of the anarchist journal the dandelion and co-editor of Benjamin R. Tucker and the Champions of Liberty (1987). Using 100 pound Starch Rain Speckletone by French Paper, and giving it a strong “bite” so that the reader can feel […]
NEWS OF UNUSUAL BOOKS! Underworld Amusements is proud to announce today is the official release of Might is Right: 1927 Facsimile Edition by Ragnar Redbeard! Banned by Amazon and others! “For nearly two hundred pages phrase after phrase descends like a club, bent upon smashing to flinders the church and state at which it is aimed.” –Liberty Vol. 1 No. 18. 19 October 1933 Originally published in 1896, Might is Right inspired a wide array of social and political movements. From radical socialists to Satanists, egoists to anarchists, and every flavor of freethinker in-between, Might is Right has left an […]
This hardback art book is a full-color facsimile of the 1927 edition of Might is Right. An original page of Might is Right, as published by the Dil Pickle Press of Chicago, has been tipped into each copy. Less than one hundred copies of this reliquary will be available, and only a portion of those made available for sale to the public. Underworld Amusements is proud to present Might is Right: 1927 Facsimile & Leaf Edition (PREORDER) Might is Right: 1927 Facsimile & Leaf Edition Author: Ragnar Redbeard / Arthur Desmond Introduction: Kevin I. Slaughter Publisher: Underworld Amusements Pages: 192 […]
Underworld Amusements proudly presents two posters from two of their published authors, Benjamin DeCasseres and Ragnar Redbeard, approaching American Liberty at two different angles. ORDER NOW Benjamin DeCasseres personifies America in an unironic celebration of the history of the nation titled “I Am the United States.” DeCasseres was a thorough-going anti-German, and this poster, originally released by the National Republic magazine in the 1940s, was his drum-beat to go to war against the totalitarian states abroad. Our new edition was scanned from the original and colorized. The second approach to Liberty, by “Might is Right” author Ragnar Redbeard, advocates not war […]
NEW! Another installment of Count MoriVond’s readings of Magus Gilmore’s The Satanic Scriptures: “We Are Legion” and “Alienation”. “Having received such a positive response with my video readings of Magus Gilmore’s seminal work, The Satanic Scriptures, I am officially announcing the “Draconian Radio Broadcast Pulpit” show on my Youtube channel, where I will be reading canon from our philosophy from my personal sanctuary in formal, clerical attire. Tune in every Sunday for a new episode and don’t forget to Subscribe.” —Count MoriVond
Those familiar with Satanism, clearly articulated in decades of our literature, should understand our philosophy’s stance regarding the murder of an innocent man and the abuse of power currently being protested across the country—we find it appalling. We recognize the historical importance of recent events and, in the same way the Stonewall Uprising ignited societal change, we consider these actions will possibly lead to a more accountable system of justice. …The Church of Satan has always made it clear that a Satanist’s politics should be their own. We refuse to treat our membership like brainless sheep, in desperate need of […]
Wicked Walpurgisnacht! The High Priest and I extend our warmest wishes for Walpurgisnacht to Satanists everywhere, and to the world at large. Tonight we celebrate over five decades of standing against herd conformity and thought, and against the strictures of slave religions that wish to tell their constituents who they should and must be. It’s been a long, cold winter here in the Northeast where we make our home. Now that the ice and snow have let go their hold on our natural environment, it’s impossible not to notice the annual signs of renewal and how they inspire our own […]
CHURCH OF SATAN CELEBRATES RELIGIOUS FREEDOM DAY The Church of Satan has openly offered an individualist, atheism-based, carnal alternative to the world’s spiritual doctrines for the past 51 years and we expect to be able to continue welcoming fellow iconoclasts for centuries to come. Many of our members find it relevant to embrace today’s American national holiday, for it stands as a challenge to any one belief system enforcing hegemony over others as well as the bigotry of “one true way” believers. In the past and present, our adherents have been met with hostility because of their chosen philosophy, hence supporting […]
10 Questions About Happiness: Rev. M.A Mandrake Satanism is no different than other religions in the sense that it’s members are seeking happiness. The only difference between Satanism and many other main-stream religions is the emphasis of worship: while other religions place an emphasis on deities and higher powers, Satanism places the emphasis on the Self – the idea that we are, essentially, our own Gods. Satanism is a highly individualistic religion that supports indulgence and freedom, but also a mutual respect for other individuals.I reached out to “The Church of Satan” in hope to interview one of their members, […]