In memoriam Adam Parfrey (1957-2018) Adam Parfrey was committed to looking past the conventionally-offered, processed, herd-think dichotomies toward the oddities and fringe thinkers in search of a comprehensive understanding of what it means to be human. He embraced the outré, the bizarre—from theories that shattered accepted paradigms to sheer kookery—and published works by outsiders whose voices advanced atypical approaches. He gave them a platform and gave us additional evidence to ponder, so that we might have richer sources for making judgments about the exquisitely surreal world in which we live. I met him many years ago, through our shared association […]
2 posts
Happy Birthday Anton Szandor LaVey! On the anniversary of his birth, we celebrate the wisdom and strength of the man who founded the Church of Satan, codifying a rational, atheist philosophy that takes Satan as its inspirational icon. His insights into the human animal lead him to weave together many threads from earlier iconoclasts into that dark tapestry of ideas he called Satanism, launching a movement that continues to thrive. He lived life to the fullest, and provided us with a powerful tool so that we may do the same. As we move from victory to victory, he remains a […]