Jimmy Psycho is thrilled to announce the release of “LISTEN…SCREAM…SHUDDER…DIE…”, a collection of previousy unreleased original songs from various horror and Halloween-themed projects. It includes eleven tracks consisting of the original songs interspersed with “haunted house” sound effects. LISTEN…SCREAM…SHUDDER…DIE… is a spooky, fun departure from Psycho’s other projects including his long-standing “horror rawkillbilly band PSYCHO CHARGER and the wildly popular “spooky sci-fi punk rock” lounge sounds of THE JIMMY PSYCHO EXPERIMENT. Psycho says, “This release really is a result of the pandemic era that we live in. I finally had time to go back and comb through all my old projects […]
horror music
Gyps Fulvus has released a brand new promotional music video for “Voluntas Necandi”, Set to a montage of peculiar, unsettling, and disturbing footage, Gyps’ first official music video is bound to tap into the corners of your psyche when you’re out of your comfort zone. “Voluntas Necandi” is available on the new album Gyps Fulvus III: Reflections, Revelations, and Roads Less Takenhttp://gypsfulvus.bandcamp.comhttp://www.gypsfulvus.net (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
This Halloween marks the fourth birthday of the debut album from Gyps Fulvus, Nocturnes For Nightmares. Throughout the entire month of October, it’s on sale for $6.66 in digital download at Bandcamp.com. The album that started it all. A collection of nightmare inducing compositions that are fitting for the Halloween season. Recommended for listeners of dark ambient, horror-themed electronic music, and dark Classical music. Visit the official website for more news and current updates.