Bespoke Satanic Items for the Chosen Few Magister Dr. Robert Johnson and Warlock Gerry Denis are proud to announce The Warlock Emporium, the world’s only retail destination offering official, exclusive and trademarked Satanic Warlock merchandise. The site is billed as the definitive marketplace for all things desired by men who define themselves as epicurean Warlocks. Denis, the site’s proprietor and student at the Warlock Academy, defines the venture as the first online source for men who “dare to be different and live fiercely.” He added that the site provides Satanic men with items that define their stature in a world […]
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Happy Birthday Anton Szandor LaVey! On the anniversary of his birth, we celebrate the wisdom and strength of the man who founded the Church of Satan, codifying a rational, atheist philosophy that takes Satan as its inspirational icon. His insights into the human animal lead him to weave together many threads from earlier iconoclasts into that dark tapestry of ideas he called Satanism, launching a movement that continues to thrive. He lived life to the fullest, and provided us with a powerful tool so that we may do the same. As we move from victory to victory, he remains a […]