The Union of Egoists is quite proud to announce a newly revised, expanded and corrected edition of Dr. Les Garner’s biography: A Brave and Beautiful Spirit: Dora Marsden, 1882-1960 SA1127, 6×9, 486 pages, ISBN: 978-1944651145 Available from: Underworld Amusements | | Amazon UK | Amazon IT | Amazon DE | Amazon JP Suffragette. Egoist. Philosopher. Dora Marsden (1882–1960) burst the chains keeping women from education; burst the chains keeping women from the vote; burst the chains of conservative feminism; burst the chains of philosophy, of time and of language. From her near-anonymous birth, to shouting down Winston Churchill, to pioneering publications, to condemnation to decades in a mental hospital, A Brave […]
dora marsden
2 posts
UNION OF EGOISTS Introducing the Union of Egoists, a biographical, historical, bibliographic and inspirational resource for autodidacts and vagabonds alike. A project initiated by Trevor Blake (Confessions of a Failed Egoist & Max Stirner Bibliography) and Kevin I. Slaughter (A Bible Not Borrowed from the Neighbors: Essays and Aphorisms on Egoism). The first Egoist Max Stirner, Egoist Feminist Dora Marsden, defacto Satanist Benjamin DeCasseres, Social Darwinist Ragnar Redbeard and soap-box Superman Malfew Seklew are a few of the members of this Union of Egoists. Blake has described Egoism as being the claim that the individual is the measure of all things. In ethics, in epistemology, in aesthetics, in society, the […]