Stephen Romano Gallery Banned From Facebook For Artwork From Disinfo: Dealer, collector and curator of Outsider, Visionary, Esoteric and Occult Art, STEPHEN ROMANO GALLERY, in an effort to promote artist INDIA EVANS in his booth at SCOPE ART FAIR 2018 has been BANNED from FACEBOOK for 30 days for posting a link to a feature on the artist’s work on DISINFO. This follows FACEBOOK’s absurd banning as pornograhic one of the world’s oldest known works of art the Venus of Willendorf, Stephen Romano, who has been banned before for posting works by WILLIAM MORTENSEN from the 1920’s said “Oh well, […]
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Stephen Romano Gallery Banned on Facebook For Sharing Mortensen Nudes (Disinfo) Coverage includes a response from Stephen Romano, the influence of Mortensen on Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan, and a photo of Magus Peter H. Gilmore at the gallery. This is an obvious contradiction of Facebook’s policy which allows for “photographs of paintings, sculptures, and other art that depicts nude figures”.