NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER!!! “THE WAVE OF LOVE” by The Jimmy Psycho Experiment The Jimmy Psycho Experiment and Deadhead Rum invite you to an 80’s Party!!! The fifth full-length release by The Jimmy Psycho Experiment “The Wave of Love” features thirteen tracks of “New Wave Love Songs” evoking the moody, humorous and quirky pop feel of 80s New Wave infused with the EZ listening Tiki Lounge vibe! “The Wave of Love” Track Listing: 1. Melt With You 2. Don’t You (Forget About Me) Lovesong 3. Lovesong 4. Love My Way 5. Dreaming of Me 6. Hungry Like the Wolf 7. […]
ROSEMARY’S BABY RECIPES You are sure to enjoy the Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en’s presentation of cocktail and dessert recipes from the horror classic ROSEMARY’S BABY. This includes the Vodka Blush, a delicious drink created by High Priestess Peggy Nadramia based on the loose description found in Levin’s novel—and homemade grenadine is a must. People have been enjoying this drink for decades, so you might find it to your liking—drink well and drink responsibly! And be sure to subscribe to the Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en YouTube channel for more delightful recipes. (Source:
Satanic Story Time: Episode 33 – Vineyardwith Special Guest M. R. Stover Now available in Android, Google Play, iTunes Podcasts, Stitcher,, and at The Devil’s Tuning Fork: M. R. Stover has carefully selected the following tracks for The Devil’s Tuning Fork: “An Ominous Awakening” from Gyps Fulvus’ brand new album, The Lich, “Sanctus Diavolos” from Rotting Christ, and “Enter the Hall of Ice” from Aghast. The Devil’s Workshop: M. R. Stover has bestowed his story, “Vineyard”, Chapter 1 of The Thirteen Knights of Death for its audio adaptation for Satanic Story Time. This audio adaptation takes on some […]
High Priestess Nadramia and Magister Netherworld ( craft magical potions for your pleasure. They continue a practice begun by Dr. LaVey in the chapter “E.S.P.: Extra Sensual Projection” from his book The Satanic Witch. Satanists enjoy well-chosen and wisely moderated indulgences, so follow the Cocktail Vultures motto: “Always drink responsibly; always drink well.” Cheers! To life!