Satanic Story Time Episode 35 – “The Devil’s Number” Now available for Android, Google Play, iTunes Podcasts, Stitcher,, and From The Witch’s Tale, with special guest, Kelly Bogues, bassist from horror / industrial / black metal band, Zogthorgven. The Devil’s Tuning Fork: Kelly Bogues has brought some music just for this special occasion, Friday the 13th that is… He has lent us his song entitled, “Witchermit” for Episode 35, “The Devil’s Number”. The Devil’s Workshop: “The Devil’s Number.” Old Nancy is 103 years old today. The dead come back to life on Friday the 13th in an old ruined castle. The script was originally broadcast on “The Witch’s Tale” […]
citizen aaron mantle
Satanic Story Time Presents Episode 31 – “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” by Dr. Seuss and starring Boris Karloff as the Grinch Now available in iTunes Podcasts, Android, Stitcher,, and at The Devil’s Tuning Fork: King Diamond’s “No Presents for Christmas” from his 1985 single, No Presents for Christmas. This single served as the first music released from King Diamond after his breakup with Mercyful Fate. It also featured “Charon” on the B-Side. Also featured are the following three songs from the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society Choir (HPLHS). The songs are “Blue Solstice”, “Oh Cthulhu”, and “Go Summon Up the Dead Ones”. “Oh Cthulhu” is featured on A […]
Just in time for Halloween, Citizen Aaron Mantle, A.t.H., has two new singles for sale on, iTunes, and Amazon. “An Original is Hard to Find But Easy to Recognize” is a personal venture on spoken word, ambient, and some jet fuel to fire the turbine engines. It most closely fits into the genre of Electronic Avant-Garde. “Open Your Eyes” is an older sounding track inspired from an era gone by. It puts forth a different take on lyrics and asks the listener if there may be life elsewhere in the universe. It most closely fits into the genre of […]
Satanic Story Time presents episode 29:“The Fall of the House of Usher” from Escape. Now available for download via iTunes Podcasts, Stitcher,, and at The Devil’s Tuning Fork: Abaddon Andy has a poem for us entitled, “House on Haunted Hill”. The Devil’s Workshop: I have an Escape episode for you entitled, “The Fall of the House of Usher”. The Devil Is In the Details: We dive headlong into the story, “The Fall of the House of Usher”, written by Edgar Allan Poe for Escape’s old time horror radio and comb over the peculiar details surrounding the story of […]