Church of Satan—50th Anniversary Preparations are well underway for the Church of Satan’s official celebration of its 50th anniversary on Walpurgisnacht, April 30th of this year. Satanists all over the world can celebrate with ritual and revelry. Members of the Church are invited to participate in the official gathering in the United States on that night. We are particularly excited to announce that this elegant gala and ritual will feature the musical genius of two highly talented members: the Nathan Gray Collective and The Jimmy Psycho Experiment. Members interested in attending can get details by emailing the administration and confirming member status.
church of satan 50th anniversary
20 posts
Happiest of New Years! Tomorrow begins year LI, Anno Satanas. Our 50th year inaugurated the celebration of the half-century mark for the Church of Satan. As this 51st year arises, the 50th anniversary of our founding by Magus Anton Szandor LaVey in 1966 is but a few months away. Our 50th Anniversary Gala will be held on Walpurgisnacht (April 30) and is open only to our members. If you wish to have the opportunity to attend this historic gathering, we urge you to contact us with a request for event information. Send us email ([email protected]) using the subject “50th Anniversary […]