CRICKET SNAPPER a film by Lawson Welles In honour of this day, 11 April 2016 c.e., on what would have been Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey’s 86th birthday, and as a tribute to Doctor LaVey and High Priest Peter H. Gilmore for bestowing upon us the genius of their music for our first film, Phoenix Rising Band~Films is releasing Cricket Snapper first to any and all Church of Satan Citizens and to their closest of friends and kin. This film is based on the true crime known as the Quincy Dominatrix death, wherein a man visits a dungeon, only to die […]
Old Nick’s SPECIAL “50 Shades of Hades” BDSM Issue Now Available! That’s right, just in time to warm the cockles of your diabolical hearts. Old Nick’s winter special features some of the hottest pictorials and most stimulating editorial we’ve ever published. Plenty of fetishy fun and devilishly indecent features to enjoy! And to add to the array of outstanding entertainment is a not-to-be-missed special essay by Church of Satan Magus and High Priest Peter H. Gilmore! Don’t miss this one! Visit for the Collector’s print edition. And for the uncensored XXX edition, please visit
By Reverend AEnigma BDSM—or s/m, as an oldhand like myself still generally prefers to call it—has come a long way since the days of the “Old Guard,” when homophile military veterans and biker clubs in leather and chains indulged in rougher erotic experiences as a part of their bonding and mating. Indeed, it has now become even so popular that an international bestseller with BDSM as a theme is being turned into a major motion picture. Or has it? Upon inspection, it is immediately clear that this novel’s success is much more the result of clever marketing than about unusual […]
It’s no surprise that the recent debut of the trailer for the film adaptation of the “50 Shades of Grey” novel has generated predictable buzz, what with millions of online views, spotlighting the great unwashed masses’ never-ending lust for the deliciously dark, albeit forbidden pleasures of the flesh—this time BDSM style. Despite the ad nauseum of the mainstream phenom, the sordid interest does underline what Satanists instinctively know and celebrate on a daily basis. We are carnal creatures that embrace the pleasures of the flesh. And more importantly, accept even that which is often considered taboo and outside of the […]