
16 posts

DaddyBaphy 2025 U.S. Appearances

Upcoming DaddyBaphy Appearances

Something wicked this way comes! From regions beyond of the demons, both known and unknown, DaddyBaphy arrives this Spring and Summer in multiple appearances throughout the United States. Appearing in May at Dark Force Fest in Parsipanny, NJ, this multiday event is part music festival part convention. Baphy will be wandering the hallways and corridors adding to the already massive spectacle that celebrates all things of the underbelly of gothic and underground. Elsewhere, Baphy will be appearing in San Francisco and Las Vegas in early June. Available for photographers, music videos, public appearances, and certainly open to any other collaborations […]

"Baphy Bash" at the Witchcraft District Bazaar!

You Are Invited To The Baphy Bash!

Priestess Renée invites everyone, everywhere, to attend the “Baphy Bash”, happening this Saturday, April 27th, from 11am-6pm, at her store: Witchcraft District Bazaar. It’s located at 8 Mt. Carmel Pl., Poughkeepsie/The Witchcraft District, NY. Spotlighting the enigmatic and esoteric figure known as Baphomet seemed so appropriate, given that just three days later is Walpurgisnacht. Featured items inspired by the Baphomet will range from statuary, candles, and altar plaques, to jewelry, apparel, stickers, and more! There will be limited giveaways and plenty of revelry! House Reader, Madame Ophelia, will be available for Tarot Readings on a first come, first served basis. […]

Witchcraft District Bazaar 7 Day Candles

Just in Time for Walpurgisnacht – Anton LaVey, Baphomet, and Joe Netherworld Candles!

Priestess Renée is now offering three wonderfully wicked Satanic candles exclusive to her store, Witchcraft District Bazaar. Available just in time for your Walpurgisnacht celebrations, you can add one, or all three, of these 7 Day Spell Candles to your altar or home: Doktor Anton S. LaVey—Founder and first High Priest of The Church of Satan. Baphomet—symbol of self-empowerment, creativity, and lust. Magister Joe Netherworld—crowned Witch King of the Witchcraft District, aka Poughkeepsie. Quantities are limited, but they will be regularly restocked. All orders from Church of Satan Members will receive special bonuses! Search “7 Day Spell Candle” on the […]

Gilmore: Goat of Mendes painting

“Goat of Mendes” by Magus Peter H. Gilmore

Today, in honor of Magus Gilmore’s 62nd Birthday, Satanme is releasing his 1982 painting Goat of Mendes as a full-sized print in multiple configurations. Because of this image’s “adult nature,” you must be 18 years old to purchase this print. The actual product will not contain the “Censored” graphics you see here to make it safe for social media. “My painting Goat of Mendes was inspired by both the infamous Éliphas Lévi Baphomet drawing published in Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, 1856, and its face by a work of Austin Osman Spare which appeared on the cover of MAN, MYTH […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Regarding the Netflix/Sabrina Lawsuit

Recently, The Satanic Temple has filed a suit against Netflix over a depiction of the symbolic deity Baphomet in their series Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. As a significant number of people seem to be confusing this with us, we would like to clarify that TST is a political activist group that has nothing to do with us, nor with the religion of Satanism which we founded over 50 years ago. The Church of Satan has not filed a suit against Netflix, nor do we have a problem with their Sabrina show, which we’ve previously discussed. Regarding the suit itself, while […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

RABID CROW ARTS & GRAPHICS While many Satanists choose to keep their support for the Church of Satan strictly covert, there may be certain circumstances where it serves a Satanist well to boldly fly the colors. For those times, Rabid Crow Arts & Graphics has created an entire line of clothing, art and other items featuring our Sigil of Baphomet as well as other imagery refelecting a Satanic aesthetic. Visit to see our goods. I also have a fledgeling Twitter account @RabidCrowArt which I hope to see tweeting with increasing intensity in coming weeks and months. Hail Satan! —Magister […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

The Origin of the Goat of Mendes “Man relies on symbolism and metaphor when building a personal conceptual framework for understanding the universe in which he lives. He has always invented his gods using his carnal brain.” – Peter H. Gilmore, The Satanic Scriptures In ancient Egyptian theology, it was believed that a vital essence existed in every living person. This spark of life was referred to as the ka, and it was thought to have been created by a deity at the moment of conception. When a person died, the Egyptians believed that the ka would leave the body […]