
41 posts

Satansplain with Magister Bill M.

Satansplain #065 – Satanism vs. Humanism

A look at Satanism and humanism, their similarities and more importantly their differences. Though to do that, we’ll have to first unpack some bigger topics, such as what makes a religion a religion in the first place. Also, some listener mail about Satanists and social media, as well as Satanic baptisms.

Satansplain with Magister Bill M.

Satansplain #060 – The 11 Satanic Rules of the Earth

The 11 Satanic Rules of the Earth! While they’re straightforward for most Satanists, Satansplain addresses common questions and misconceptions about things like “lairs”, “mating signals”, “destroying”, “magic”, and other details. Please follow this link to enjoy Satansplain #060.

The Demented1: A Moment with Noah Lugeons

The Demented1: A Moment with Noah Lugeons

Join your host Blake as he interviews Noah Lugeons. Noah discusses The god awful movies podcast, how he got into podcasting, Atheism, and much more! Apple Podcast / Spotify

Reverend Count MoriVond: "What, The Devil?" Part 2

Reverend Count MoriVond reads from THE SATANIC SCRIPTURES

Part 2 of my reading of Magus Gilmore’s essay: “What, The Devil?” and the conclusion of the entire series: The Satanic Scriptures! A huge ‘Thank You’ and two-horned salute to the great Magus for allowing me to give voice to his brilliant text. Click to purchase a copy of The Satanic Scriptures book. DRBP is the clerical corner for the Alien Elite on the internet where I read authentic Satanic canon, approved and sanctioned by the administrators of the Church of Satan. For more information on the religion of Satanism visit:

Anton Szandor LaVey and Togare

Hail Anton Szandor LaVey!

Today marks the 91st anniversary of the birth of our founder, Anton Szandor LaVey. Satanists hold one’s natal anniversary to be our own highest of holidays, so many of us take this day to recall the brilliance of the man who, in 1966, launched Satanism as a full-fledged religion. The philosophy he crafted was built on atheism, viewing humans as just another animal—sometimes better but more often worse than the rest who share this wonderful planet with us. Embracing Satan for the adversarial aspect essential to this word, he set forth a conceptual framework for a carnal religion in opposition […]

Live Stream Tonight: Reverend Raul Antony on Truth Wanted

Reverend Raul Antony joins ObjectivelyDan on the Truth Wanted live podcast, tonight April 24th at 7pm CT! Truth Wanted is a show about getting to the bottom of beliefs, whether it’s karma or Christ, Bigfoot or crystals. Truth Wanted would like to know how you know it’s true. Hosted by ObjectivelyDan, Truth Wanted takes calls from the community (that means YOU!) and features new guests every week, emphasizing thorough conversations over name-calling and scoffing (most of the time). Truth Wanted focuses on how and why people believe what they believe, and how you can talk about beliefs in more effective […]

In Celebration of Religious Freedom Day by Reverend Campbell of

In Celebration of Religious Freedom Day 2020

In 1992, the US Congress deemed January 16th as Religious Freedom Day in celebration of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom passed on January 16 of 1786. This act is a significant precursor of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The full text of the act can be read here. Let me extract its final paragraph: “Be it enacted by General Assembly that no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or […]