Announcing a new four session class: “Kenneth Anger – American Cinemagician.” February of 2025 will be devoted to a closer look at the man, the magician, and the occult filmmaker supreme: Kenneth Anger! (NB: video recordings will be made available to those who sign up but can’t make it ”live”). American “cinemagician” Kenneth Anger (1927-2023) was and remains a powerful source of inspiration for many generations of experimental artists and magicians. Anger’s meticulous work in personal and poetic films—and also his chronicling of dark aspects of Hollywood history in the legendary bestsellers Hollywood Babylon 1 and 2—make for a fascinating […]
aleister crowley
Warlock Sword, the Satanic Skeptic, examines whether a necklace alleged to have belonged to Aleister Crowley made a woman want to worship the Devil. Click this link to read: The Wickedest Wear in the World: A Necklace Allegedly Belonging to Aleister Crowley Made a Woman ‘Want to Worship the Devil’
Occultism of the past! The 7 Hermetic Principles! The cosmic questions of human origin! Hear why none of these things are really applicable to Satanism.
DEVIL’S DISCIPLES – Secret Societies, Cults, Killers and Practitioners of The Black Arts by Marquis H.K. Published by Dark Moon Press Throughout history, secret societies and cults have existed on the fringes and seething underbelly of society—some with a sinister agenda, others with a personal quest for power and the highest forms of pleasure. This is a comprehensive, full colour pictorial study of some of the infamous cults, black magicians, writers and bloodthirsty killers that have had a profound impact on history, literature, and popular culture. Featuring: The Knights Templar, Hellfire Club, Gilles de Rais, Vlad the Impaler, Elizabeth Bathory, […]
“Beyond the Pleasuredome: The Lost Occult World of Burt Shonberg” curated by BRIAN CHIDESTER at the BUCKLAND MUSEUM OF WITCHCRAFT AND MAGICK, Cleveland Ohio AUGUST 17 – NOVEMBER 1 2021 The Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magic in Cleveland, Ohio, and Stephen Romano Gallery in Brooklyn, are pleased to present the first exhibition of art by the L.A. visionary BURT SHONBERG (1933-1977) in over 50 years. The exhibition opens August 17 and continues through November 1, 2021. The exhibition is curated by historian, documentarian, and longtime Shonberg advocate Brian Chidester. It is accompanied by a catalog, the first ever exclusively devoted […]
MARQUIS H. K.—EERIE PLANET From the murky depths of Loch Ness to the Hell-fire Caves to the castle ruins of historical tyrants Elizabeth Bathory and Vlad the Impaler, this fully illustrated book captures one man’s journey that has taken him to to all corners of our planet. With his fascination for the esoteric, the paranormal and dark figures in history, he provides a detailed account of his experiences at these mysterious places. And what to expect should you ever dare visit them. Featured locations: West Wycombe’s Hell-fire Caves, St. Mary’s Church Ruins in Clophill, Elizabeth Bathory’s castle in Cachtice, San […]
Mitch Horowitz: Good, Clean Satanism Occult writer and lecturer Mitch Horowitz reflects on his early impressions of Satanism and rediscovering the writings and philosophy of Anton LaVey. I had once written off Anton as a showman and gifted musician with a instinct for the (virtual) kill. I saw his theology as little more than a secularized bastardization of British occultist Aleister Crowley, with a side of Ayn Rand’s Objectivist ethics and will-to-self thrown in. I was wrong. As I recently discovered in cultural critic and occult explorer Carl Abrahamsson’s stunningly insightful forthcoming study Occulture, Anton had a more fully developed […]
Magister Carl Abrahamsson’s “Occulture: The Unseen Forces That Drive Culture Forward” Pre-Order Available Explores the role of magic and the occult in art and culture from ancient times to today • Examines key figures behind esoteric cultural developments, such as Carl Jung, Anton LaVey, Paul Bowles, Aleister Crowley, and Rudolf Steiner • Explores the history of magic as a source of genuine counter culture and compares it with our contemporary soulless, digital monoculture • Reveals how the magic of art can be restored if art is employed as a means rather than an end and offers strategies to rekindle intuitive […]
Edited by Carl Abrahamsson. Cover art by Fredrik Söderberg. This volume contains material on topics as diverse as Anton LaVey, Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, Sar Peladan, Fernand Khnopff, Marcel Duchamp, Robert Heinlein, William Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Wilhelm Reich, Thelema, Satanism, Symbolism, psychoanalysis, Dada, apocalyptic witchcraft, psychedelic philosophy, visionary book covers, Cannabis, artificial human companions, sacred prostitution, German Expressionist cinema, slam poetry, independent universities, extraterrestrial influences, astrology, sexual magic, science fiction and more… Contents Carl Abrahamsson – Editor’s IntroductionSara George & Carl Abrahamsson – Fernand Khnopff, SymbolistSasha Chaitow – Making the Invisible VisibleVanessa Sinclair – Psychoanalysis and DadaKendell Geers – Tu Marcellus ErisStephen Sennitt – Fallen Worlds, […]