Satanists on Satanic Cinema is Back!
Satanists on Satanic
Cinema (SoSC) is back with a brand new format, permanent hosts and more fun
than you can shake a stick at (That’s a lot of fun!).
I have a permanent
couple of co-hosts that will be joining me. I’ve reached out to a couple
friends that happen to be Satanists, Citizen Cameron John and Joe Jackson.
Together, we will stream live to the SoSC YouTube channel while watching a movie
from the Church of Satan’s Satanic film list. The list first
appeared in Blanche Barton’s novel The Church of Satan as
an appendix titled “Satanic Cinema: Down These Mean Streets”…. It now lives
dynamically on the Church of Satan’s website,
Our goal is to stream
a so-called Satanic film once a month from my living room. We will watch it
together while riffing on the film and each other, you know as if you
weren’t watching, and discuss the Satanic elements or aspects of the film, if
there are any.
Watch our video promo:
The past pre-recorded audio episodes are still available on CDBaby, iTunes, and Amazon MP3. You can learn more by visiting our website (Currently undergoing maintenance).
Our first LIVE streaming episode is:

Blade Runner
Released in 1982
Directed by Ridley Scott
Story by Philip K. Dick
Screenplay by Hampton Fancher & David Peoples
Watch Live: Sunday, September 11th at 6pm MST
We hope you will tune in live, but if you can’t make it, you can always listen after-the-fact via YouTube, iTunes, Stitcher or our RSS feed. Of course all this information will be on the website as well at
Subscribe to our mailing list for updated film and show times.

Satanism demands study, not worship. Why not have some fun with it?
Hail Satan!
—Reverend Adam P Campbell