Satanic Story Time’s 39th Episode –
“August Heat”
Now available for Android, Google Play, iTunes
Podcasts, Stitcher,,
Satanic Story Time presents episode 39 – “August Heat”
from Suspense.
Devil’s Tuning Fork: For this
installment of The Devil’s Tuning Fork, we have the following tracks for your
listening pleasure: “White Heat, Red Hot” from Judas
Priest’s Stained Class album, “Advent” from Opeth’s
second studio album, Morningrise, “Fire” from The Crazy World of Arthur Brown’s self-titled
album, and “Hot Rockin” from Judas
Priest’s eighth album, Point of Entry.
Devil’s Workshop: “August Heat” was written by W.F.
Harvey and published by J.M.
Dent in 1910. It originally appeared in Midnight House and Other Tales. It’s about two
men, unknown to each other, whose glimpses of the other’s possible future
suggest that one of them will be murdered and the other will be the murderer.
It is often referred to as a ghost story (it appears in The Folio
Society’s Book of Ghost Stories, for example, and
in Edward Gorey’s ghost story collection The
Haunted Looking Glass) even though no ghosts feature.
Midnight Hour: Gyps Fulvus brings
us his second episode of The Midnight Hour entitled, “The White Lady”.
Devil is in the Details: I recently sat
down with Christopher D. Little and had the opportunity to interview him on
such topics as Satanism, hobbies, profession, favorite foods, pets, favorite
places to visit, and the featured story, “August Heat”.
Aaron Mantle