Today we’re celebrating the birth of our founder, Anton Szandor LaVey. I’m currently working my way through an archive project that will eventually preserve and document the history of the Church of Satan, which is inextricably linked with the life story of Dr. LaVey. Like many of us, he had some lousy birthdays, some lonely ones, but most of them were pretty good; as he taught the rest of us so well, the best thing to celebrate in life is yourself.
Anton LaVey’s well-kept tradition is confirmed by the number of people who remembered his birthday. Every April, dozens and dozens of greetings and gifts would arrive, and friends would vie for the privilege of finding just the right thing to tickle his fancy. It could be chocolates, or good booze, a rare book or a remote control Whoopie Cushion. Satanists around the globe began to celebrate in his honor, throwing a party or just raising a glass to the man who wrote The Satanic Bible, codified their philosophy, and changed the world.
In our religion, immortality is achieved by remaining in the hearts and minds of those whose respect you’ve gained. Honor Anton LaVey today in your own way, by starting something new, breaking some ground, moving ahead, because that’s what would have earned HIS respect.
Hail, Anton! And ever forward.
—Magistra Peggy Nadramia
High Priestess of the Church of Satan

From the Church of Satan Archives