OPUS SATANI: DRACOMEROTH—3rd Edition now available. Added several rites, including Communion with The Hellements, Satantric Mass, Rite of Hallow’s Gate, several others; more sigilization and Magical gesticulations, oracular design inclusions, psychodramatic enhancements. Supplemented to 230 pages, increased size for facilitation in Magical Operations
Comprising several books in one tome, Dracomeroth is a veritable Satanic Grimoire serving as inspirational psychodramas for Self-Transformation, Empowerment, and Diabolical Evolution.
Forbidden Knowledge…
Encompassing the complimentary Carnal with the Magical, included herein are The Draconian Dictums, Sins, The Infernal Alignment, Keys to The Infernal Realm, The Rites of Omnipotence, Satanasutra, Vampiricon, Glossary of Spells, Visualizations, Philosophy, Legendry, & proven techniques of psychological manipulation.
A Workbook of Sorcery presented in a highly imaginative & stimulating style, this text is intended for those courageous enough to peer into the deepest darkness of their own psyches, the vast Abyss within, and exercise one’s own Magical potential to the furthest degree, in a continual process of actualization unto the incarnation of Satan Oneself. Cooperating with Shadow Forces nascent in Nature in a structured form to ascend the levels of Satanic Grace, advancing one’s absolute Godhood.
Walking In The Shadows…
The Daemon calls, The Black Flame burns fierce! Open the pages of the Opvs Satani, and open The Gates of Hell. So It Is Done.
Opvs Satani: Dracomeroth

DRACUMENTARY: The Blackthorne Chronicles
Diary of A Satanist. The Blackthorne Chronicles comprises Draconian Pentagonal Devilution.
2nd Edition now available: Added much material and several more photographs to 254 pages, including Hellementary, House of Whispering Eyes In The Valley of Shadows, Home of The Vikings, Devin Black Haunts, Evocative Revelations, and more.
Dracumentary: Daemonic Metamorphosis from Infernal Progeny, The Dracling through infernal realization, Satanic Panic, Hellementary, House of Whispering Eyes In The Valley of Shadows, Home of The Vikings, Devin Black Haunts, Evocative Revelations, The Loves of Lucifer, Lusts of Satan, & beyond.
The Black Book of Shadows: Experiences with Greater Magic, paranormal manifestations, diabolical rites, Curses, Lust Spells, Blessings from Hell.
The Black Earth: Adventures, excursions, discoveries, celebrations, recommendations, nefarious events. The darker side of existence. {Includes the 666 High Mass, Halloween/Walpurgisnacht observances, graveyards, occult travels}
Tales From The Shadow Side: Paranormal experiments & explorations into various urban legends & mysteries.
The Black Dragon Speaks!: Interviews with various publications, institutions, individuals, web sources, radio, & broadcasts.
With this plethora of nefarious relations, The Blackthorne Chronicles includes evocative poetry, & previously unpublished photographs. Advance through image to possess.
Dracumentary: The Blackthorne Chronicles
Additionally, The Communion With The Hellements and additional suggestions for for Seasonal celebrations and empowerment:
* Hellemental Communion.
* Hellemental Activities.
* Lycanthropic Seasonal Submersion.