Online Press Kit
Officially founded on April 30, 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey(1930-1997), the Church of Satan is the first organization in history whose philosophy embraces Satan as a positive iconoclastic figure, serving as an inspirational symbol of pride, liberty and individualism. Prior to the Church’s founding, there was no widely accepted definition of Satanism: all earlier references were condemnations of heretical individuals or sects by existing religions. Satanism is an atheist philosophy which rejects any belief in the supernatural; Satanists are pragmatic, materialist and carnal. Satanism challenges its adherents to take responsibility for their own successes and failures, acknowledging man to be just another animal. With no belief in any afterlife, Satanists live life to the fullest and share their joy with those who enrich them. Satanism holds self-knowledge and personal achievement as primary values. Each Satanist’s political stance is suited to his or her unique personal needs and pursuits, creating a great diversity of viewpoints among Church of Satan members.
Useful facts:
- "The Satanic Bible" was published in 1969 and has sold more than a million copies.
- We coined the term “Satanism,” defining it as an individualist, atheist philosophy.
- All forms of human sexuality enjoyed by consenting adults are accepted. We encourage individual expression and self determination of sexual identity.
- We performed the first legally recognized Satanic baptisms, weddings (including same sex) and funerals.
- In 1989, ‘The Black Flame’ was the first Satanist magazine distributed to newsstands worldwide.
- As a matter of policy, the church never releases membership figures, nor will it confirm or deny any individual’s membership status.
- Members pay a one-time $225 fee to join and support the church. Active Member status requires a detailed application. Clergy titles are by invitation only.
- As High Priest since 2001, Peter H. Gilmore has chaired major church organized private gatherings in CA, NY, DC and the UK. Member-organized public events; concerts, exhibits, and performances take place regularly.
- Gilmore’s book “The Satanic Scriptures” was published in 2006 and has been translated into 6 languages.
- The Church Of Satan celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2016.
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Canon of Scripture
- The Satanic Bible, Anton Szandor LaVey (1969)
- The Satanic Witch, Anton Szandor LaVey (1971)
- The Satanic Rituals, Anton Szandor LaVey (1972)
- The Devil’s Notebook, Anton Szandor LaVey (1992)
- Satan Speaks, Anton Szandor LaVey (1998)
- The Satanic Scriptures, Peter H. Gilmore (2006)
- The Satanic Warlock, Dr. Robert Johnson (2016)

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We Are Legion

A Moment In Time
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