Church of Satan News

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Warlock Nocturnum on Nocturnal Frequency Radio

Warlock Corvis Nocturnum will be the special guest on Nocturnal Frequency Radio, with host Alex Rondini, on Sunday, November 27 from 11pm to 1am EST. Discussed will be the the nature of the roles of members within the Church of Satan and many myths and disinformation will be dispelled.

Warlock Corvis Nocturnum on BET The Lexi Show. (Source:

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Join occult researcher and author Corvis Nocturnum in the quest to uncover everything from the story and evolution of the mother of all dark creatures, Lilith, to the fallen angels and many mythic creatures. Fantastic creatures lurk in the minds of people from all points in history, and all cultures. If not for the world’s folktales, gods and goddesses, we would not have the myths and legends that have given birth to the imaginations of artists and writers of today. Featuring artwork by the author, as well as fantasy artist Joseph Vargo and other classic artists.   Advanced praise for Satan’s […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

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Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet


In honor of the observance today of the U.S. holiday Veterans Day, we once again stand at attention and snap a horned salute to all of our military members worldwide, serving under the flags of many nations, whether you be veterans, reservists, or on active duty. Your chosen service is deeply appreciated, profoundly respected, and always remembered! You honor us through your bravery assuring our freedom through the exercise of vigilance and applied force. Hail Victory! Magus Peter H. Gilmore

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Rev. Kevin I. Slaughter will be giving a lecture titled “The Great Satan: Satanism as the Most American Religion” at Wayne State University on November 16th at 3pm. Open to the public, free admission.

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

In 738: AD on the Yemen border, the legendary Mad Arab poet Abdul al Hazred was torn apart in broad daylight by invisible forces in front of a crowd of horrified onlookers. His crime? Penning the dreaded and unspeakable tome, the Necronomicon. One of HP Lovecraft’s most enduring creations, Arkham Studios presents the Mad Arab himself nervously clutching the chained up Necronomicon and glancing over his shoulder in apprehension of the horrors to come. The bust stands 10 inches tall and is finished in Arkham Studios traditional bronze rub over sturdy polymer resin. Whether you put him on a bookshelf […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

11 April, XLVI A.S.: Happy Birthday Anton Szandor LaVey! Today, those who have embraced the title Satanist might recall that it is the anniversary of the birth of Magus Anton Szandor LaVey. We owe him a debt for creating a rational, skeptical, pragmatic philosophy which embraces the human animal for all the glories and ghastliness of which our species is capable. He properly named it after Satan, that mythical adversary of all stultifying spiritual conventions, inspiring the like-minded with such apt symbolism, and he called for responsible individuals to hold themselves as their own highest value. It is always a […]