Church of Satan News

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Viking Funeral for Ken Russell?

Here’s a link to a piece discussing Maestro Russell’s funeral wishes:

In Admiration of Ken Russell

Ken Russell will long be remembered as a film director who was highly skilled in putting his various passions on the screen. He employed extreme and vivid imagery energized by surreal juxtapositions. Classical music was an obsession for him and his bio-pics of composers ranged from the paroxysmic (THE MUSIC LOVERS – Tchaikovsky, LISZTOMANIA – Liszt and Wagner) to the profound (SONG OF SUMMER – Delius, MAHLER). He never flinched from depicting eroticism and sexuality and his adaptation of D. H. Lawrence’s WOMEN IN LOVE may be his finest exploration of that topic. Those who enjoy classic horror fiction will […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Hail Gluttony!

Today, here in the U.S., is the secular holiday called “Thanksgiving” which originated as a harvest festival amongst Christian pilgrims who came to the “New World.” As such, it was a celebration of the hard work done towards preparing for survival of the frigid Winter months to come, demonstrating a harmony with the cycling of Nature. Similar holidays existed in pre-Christian societies and always were meant as opportunities for earned excess. In practice, it has evolved over time into an occasion for gathering with family and overeating at a feast. Being Satanists, we naturally support this indulgent banquet, and may […]

Farewell, John Neville, and Good Night

John Neville was an actor whose presence graced many theaters and enhanced the small and large screens with class and magic. His essential portrayal of Sherlock Holmes in A STUDY IN TERROR was enhanced when I saw him perform as Holmes live on Broadway. But, Neville’s truly Satanic Baron Munchausen will remain his entry into the Olympus of inimitable characterizations. Hail to thee, master thespian! Magus Peter H. Gilmore

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Warlock Nocturnum on Nocturnal Frequency Radio

Warlock Corvis Nocturnum will be the special guest on Nocturnal Frequency Radio, with host Alex Rondini, on Sunday, November 27 from 11pm to 1am EST. Discussed will be the the nature of the roles of members within the Church of Satan and many myths and disinformation will be dispelled.

Warlock Corvis Nocturnum on BET The Lexi Show. (Source:

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Join occult researcher and author Corvis Nocturnum in the quest to uncover everything from the story and evolution of the mother of all dark creatures, Lilith, to the fallen angels and many mythic creatures. Fantastic creatures lurk in the minds of people from all points in history, and all cultures. If not for the world’s folktales, gods and goddesses, we would not have the myths and legends that have given birth to the imaginations of artists and writers of today. Featuring artwork by the author, as well as fantasy artist Joseph Vargo and other classic artists.   Advanced praise for Satan’s […]

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