Church of Satan News

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Welcome to the official Church of Satan News Feed. This news feed contains important announcements and links concerning the Church of Satan and its membership worldwide.



Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

For our Memorial Day episode of A Dangerous Meeting Podcast, we’re happy to present Munchkin Cthulhu, brought to you by Steve Jackson Games. A couple of new friends join us for a Dangerous Meeting, Brendan and Jessie. They quickly and eagerly learn the rules of the game and we are soon off and playing Munchkin Cthulhu in no time at all. The victory finish was surprising to say the least and it even caught Brendan and me off guard. So grab your Monster Stompers and your Necrognomicon! Let’s bash some Goth monsters! 

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet


New CD released on Italy’s Old Europa Cafe Records Mr. Williams’ first full length release in 4 years! An undisputed yet controversial cult icon for over 2 decades, David E. Williams continues to expand the boundaries of dark cabaret and neofolk in ways that perpetually leave him as the ultimate outsider of both genres. As always, his 6th full length release documents the violent dread of every moment for a troubadour narrator on the nexus of existential angst and cultural despair. The new music ranges from finger-snapping ditties to chamber synthpop to his ever popular piano-driven art songs, with lead […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet
Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet
Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

VASCA Radio – Episode 27 Current Events is a darker segment which mourns but celebrates Guitarist, Jeff Hanneman. VASCA Radio welcomes guest, Tibbie X. Bass player with, Reagan Youth. We discuss the Punk scene, parenting and air a personal selection by Tibbie X.. Tibbie shares some news regarding her projects that fans are sure to enjoy. Our pranks are examined and a movie review gets the horns up. VASCA Radio features tracks selected by your hosts, Prometheus and Warlock Tier Instinct. VASCA Radio congratulates, dedicates and thinks naughty things all in episode 27. R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman January 31, 1964 – […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

LEARN INSTANT HYPNOSIS AND INSTANT HYPNOTHERAPY IN THE UK – June 2013 Did you ever want to know how to successfully hypnotize ANYONE at ANY TIME? Perhaps you’re a therapist and you’re looking for new, FAST techniques to help with your practice? Top UK Stage/Street Hypnotist and Author, Rory Z (CoS) is teaming up with internationally acclaimed Ali Campbell (NLP-guru and hypnotherapist to the stars/royalty) to provide TWO training courses in June 2013! The Stage & Street Hypnosis Skills course(everything you need to know about instant hypnosis) or The Rapid-Induction-Hypnotherapy course (using stage-hypnosis style techniques to enhance hypnotherapy/NLP practice) Visit: *LIMITED AVAILABILITY, BOOK NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Memorial Day

Today I honor those who have given their lives in support of preserving or enhancing liberty for others. For them, championing freedom was worth the loss of their own lives—a gift that is worthy of respect. —Magus Peter H. Gilmore

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Happy 55th Birthday to Magus Peter H. Gilmore!