Marilyn Mansfield will be on a new episode of ODDITIES!, Saturday, June 15th, 9:30 pm EST on The Science Channel. The episode is entitled, “Bat Man & Ryan.”
Church of Satan News
VASCA Radio – Episode 28 VASCA Radio returns with hosts, Citizen Prometheus and Warlock Tier Instinct. Current Events traces the outlines of music news, touching on events regarding Stone Temple Pilots and former front-man and founder, Scott Weiland. Slayer announces tour plans and replacements for drummer, Dave Lombardo and recently deceased, Jeff Hanneman. VASCA Studios welcomes back, Reverend Corvis Nocturnum. We discuss his newest project, Eerie America: Travel Guide of the Macabre and many other topics as well. Pranks are conjured and Prometheus reviews the 1984 American science fiction action film, The Terminator. Your hosts offer their tracks of the […]
For our Memorial Day episode of A Dangerous Meeting Podcast, we’re happy to present Munchkin Cthulhu, brought to you by Steve Jackson Games. A couple of new friends join us for a Dangerous Meeting, Brendan and Jessie. They quickly and eagerly learn the rules of the game and we are soon off and playing Munchkin Cthulhu in no time at all. The victory finish was surprising to say the least and it even caught Brendan and me off guard. So grab your Monster Stompers and your Necrognomicon! Let’s bash some Goth monsters!
New CD released on Italy’s Old Europa Cafe Records Mr. Williams’ first full length release in 4 years! An undisputed yet controversial cult icon for over 2 decades, David E. Williams continues to expand the boundaries of dark cabaret and neofolk in ways that perpetually leave him as the ultimate outsider of both genres. As always, his 6th full length release documents the violent dread of every moment for a troubadour narrator on the nexus of existential angst and cultural despair. The new music ranges from finger-snapping ditties to chamber synthpop to his ever popular piano-driven art songs, with lead […]