HPV, the human papilloma virus causes cancer—and nearly everyone who has had a sexual encounter in his or her lives has been exposed. 14 million new infections occur every year in the U.S. alone that could cause cancer of the cervix, penis, anus and throat. Except for HIV, HPV is the most fatal STD (sexually transmitted disease). That’s the truth, plain and simple.
But because millions of parents fear it’ll be a gateway for their adolescent children to begin having sex, they’re refusing to have them vaccinated against this dangerously rampant virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in concert with the American Academy of Pediatrics, has recommended three vaccines for adolescents, and the HPV vaccine is currently the least administered.
Why? Because doctors don’t want to talk about sex with young people and parents are petrified that their maturing teens are erotically experimenting. Guess what, head-in-the-sand moms and dads, your offspring ARE at some point exploring their sexuality and that means they could be exposed. The Internet provides curious adolescents with access to myriad information about sexuality and STDs (some of it spurious) even if you don’t. Regardless of whether you think telling them to get vaccinated will green-light their sexual activity, if they’re looking on line for data about sexuality, they’re probably having sex or considering it. Learning the facts about this issue is a responsibility that parents should shoulder so that they can be informed and then can capably offer their teens information that is rational, factual and thus useful towards maintaining their—and their future partners’—health.
Satanists understand the natural instinct to be carnal and would be expected to be immunizing their children and themselves as this is an effective means to prevent certain types of cancer with low risk of serious side effects. We don’t buy into the hysteria about vaccines causing mental retardation—it’s a totally unproven myth fostered by headline-hungry media outlets.
So, since you love your kids and care about their health, get them vaccinated. Being human, as they mature sexual activity will be part of their lives. Ignoring this significant issue ticks off nearly every one of the Nine Satanic Sins. Don’t be fooled by irrational and unsupported anti-vaccination propaganda. And if you want some terrifying evidence of what this virus can do to those infected by it, just visit Google images and enter the keyword “HPV.”
—Hef With Horns