With the recent SCOTUS decision allowing legal same-sex marriage throughout the USA, certain religious groups have rushed to condemn this position. In contrast, the Church of Satan welcomes this landmark ruling. During our Year 50 Conclave (held this past Walpurgisnacht in Washington, DC) our Reverend Lee Crowell, who resides in Virginia, discussed his successful 2012 legal battle to be allowed to officiate at weddings, one part of his responsibilities as an ordained Priest in the Church of Satan. While ministers of many faiths typically are granted this privilege without question, Crowell—a successful attorney—had to contest the initial denial, even though he is a representative of a church with five decades of existence. Reverend Crowell is interviewed by Magister David Harris regarding this landmark accomplishment on Satanism Today, a monthly segment on 9sense. Click this link to listen.

Above: Reverend Crowell at the Year 50 Conclave
The qualifications to officiate at weddings in the U.S. vary across the states and can even be different from county to county. In New York State (outside of NYC) one may be eligible by being ordained via an existing religious organization. Magister Joe Netherworld (dubbed “America’s Favorite Satanist” in this documentary) performed the first legally recognized same-sex wedding in New York State by a Satanic clergyman in the Fall of 2013. The happy couple publicly re-affirmed their vows in a Beetlejuice-themed ceremony attended by scores of costumed revelers this past Halloween season with Magister Netherworld as proud officiant.
A new frontier is dawning for people wishing to wed and the Church of Satan celebrates couples who may at times be beyond past traditions: “May your bliss be unbounded, and may your love wax ever stronger during your journey together!”
The Satanic Wedding rite is included in my book, The Satanic Scriptures.
—Magus Peter H. Gilmore
Pertinent Links:
Interview with Reverend Lee Crowell
Magus Gilmore on SCOTUS same-sex marriage decision: