HÄXÄR: Ich bin die Schwärze (“I am the Blackness”)
The second album “Ich bin die Schwärze” by the Swiss “HÄXÄR” will be available from October 4th, 2024. The album is powerful and in the face of darkness it describes the beauty of ugliness. A year after “Häxär”, the debut album, HÄXÄR has put together a collection of sonic massacres that strain the eardrums. In the new work, HÄXÄR makes no secret of the cards this bloody game is played with. Classic, devastating old school black metal without forgetting the sophisticated technique and breathtaking twists. Above all, “I am the Blackness” is brimming with outstanding songwriting and passionate playing—timeless black metal songcraft that harmonizes with ancient, sacred myths, not just being influenced by them. When darkness falls upon us, no one needs to mourn their sins. The fat flies circle around the flesh of the dead and spread their maggots. The second album is of a nebulous darkness and unspeakable joy and a future that certainly won’t exist.