Hail Gluttony!
Today in the U.S. is the secular holiday called “Thanksgiving.” It originated as a harvest festival amongst the Christian pilgrims who came to the “New World,” who at times even included select indigenous pagans in the proceedings. Fundamentally a celebration of the fruits of the hard work done towards preparing for survival of the frigid Winter months to come, it was a de facto proclamation of the wisdom of being in harmony with the cycling of Nature. Similar holidays abound in pre- and non-Christian societies, always enjoyed as opportunities for earned excess.
In practice, it has evolved over time into an occasion for gathering with family and friends and overeating at a feast. Being Satanists, we naturally support participation in a sumptuous banquet, guided by our principle of “indulgence, not compulsion.” This is a day we might spend with those whom we do not often encounter in person during the course of a year, hence we may also savor the opportunity to deal out our own form of justice, perhaps gently tweaking those who irk us while warmly embracing the ones who add richness to our lives.
We Satanists may seize this day to celebrate our prosperity, our joy in existing, and our precious liberty. We can thank ourselves for boldly mastering our lives to the best of our abilities, sharing our vital existence with those whom we cherish. Whether you are with friends, family, or enjoying your own splendid company, may those of you who choose to celebrate enjoy a truly indulgent “Gluttony Day”!
—Magus Peter H. Gilmore