Gyps Fulvus “Night Blue Lich” T-Shirt Now Available
A brand new Gyps Fulvus T-Shirt, “Night Blue Lich”, is now available for sale! This high quality shirt is available for custom order in any size from S through XXXL at $30 USD, plus shipping and handling.
All who purchase a t-shirt will instantly receive a free digital download of Gyps’ latest album The Lich: Book I.
For the Halloween season, an assortment of Gyps Fulvus T-Shirts with album cover art and various new designs are available for custom order through the Gyps Fulvus Bandcamp webstore.
Click on the photo or the link below to order today, and send a message with your complete name, your email address, your mailing address, and your T-Shirt size of choice in the form. Allow at least 3 weeks for delivery.