Great Cushing’s ghost, Matt and Jason are seeing DOUBLE! But this time, it’s not the booze. It’s the blood-soaked bosoms belonging to the Twins of Evil. Become a servant of the Devil as your handsome hosts travel back to 1971 to bring you movie details, unintentionally filthy names, Matt’s twin-dating experience, the Mammo-cam, more teens and their sex and drug riots, Jason’s like for lackeys, polite groping, buying hookers when you’re old, the Pubic Hair song, and lots and lots of the ol’ Kensington Gore. May you find mercy at the seat of our Dark Lord.
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Terror Transmission is a free, monthly movie commentary podcast dedicated to classic horror from the silent era up until the late 1980s. The audio program is hosted by Jason Andreasson and Matt G. Paradise, both of whom proudly assert their enthusiasm for the show and their disdain for many others in the genre by their tagline, “The greatest horror commentary podcast… EVER!” Episodes are generally available on the 1st of every month.