Many Satanists mark today’s seasonal pivot point, for we feel at one with the Earth and its continuing cycles. In the Northern Hemisphere, Spring arrives, replacing Winter’s stasis with life surging in triumphant burgeoning. In the Southern Hemisphere, Autumn shall soon cast its soothing spell after the blaze of Summer, presaging the coming harvest with all of its fertile abundance.
Here in the haunted Hudson Valley, Winter has been ebbing slowly, with an occasional day of comforting coziness retreating as the chill season refuses to release its gelid grasp. This extended coda brings greater appreciation for the ever-increasing warmth, and the green shoots inexorably pushing their way into the sunlight delight us with their vigor.
This year’s equinox brings a super worm moon, adding its extravagant illumination to tonight’s skies—which won’t occur again until 2030. On this day I enjoy listening to Stravinsky’s masterpiece The Right of Spring, as it conjures with evocative timbres and aggressive rhythms the shattering of the frigid season’s strictures via the violent renewal of growth.
So, seize this glorious day and enchanting night to celebrate the wonders of Nature, as we are part of its boundless mysteries.
Hail Satan!
—Magus Peter H. Gilmore