Devils Diary XVIII

Devils Diary XVIII cover Art: River God by Magus Gilmore

Devils Diary XVIII Magus Gilmore interview

Devils Diary XVIII December 30, 2011

Devils Diary XVIII cover Art: River God by Magus Gilmore
Devils Diary XVIII cover Art: River God by Magus Gilmore

Joining me today for The Third Degree is High Priest of the Church Of Satan, Peter H. Gilmore. Magus Gilmore is an accomplished author, musician, artist and administrator of the Church Of Satan. High Priest Gilmore has appeared on many media programs that have discussed Satanism, including The History Channel, Point Of Inquiry, BBC and Syfy. In 1989 C.E. Magus Gilmore and his wife, High Priestess Peggy Nadramia started publishing The Black Flame; an international forum of the Church Of Satan. In 2005 C.E., Magus Gilmore delivered a new introduction to Anton Szandor LaVey’s The Satanic Bible and on Walpurgisnacht 2007 C.E. released his The Satanic Scriptures.

Magus Peter H. Gilmore, High Priest of the Church of Satan
Magus Peter H. Gilmore, High Priest of the Church of Satan

Welcome to Third Degree, High Priest of the Church Of Satan, Peter H. Gilmore.

PHG: Thank you for having me.

Tier Instinct: On 19 August, 2011 C.E. the world witnessed the release of three young men from prison who have come to be recognized as,"The West Memphis Three." In your hard-hitting essay titled 'Victors And Victims: From West Memphis To Columbine' included in The Satanic Scriptures, you note a victory for the Christian mob who then cried out for immediate justice. How do you view the August 2011 release of Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley from prison?

PHG: It was long overdue for these three innocent men to be released from prison, and it is unfortunate that those who are responsible for taking away so many years of their lives cannot be held accountable for their miscarriage of justice. As it stands, it would seem that whoever really committed the murders will not be punished. That point should be one that arouses fury, but carefully observe that it has not. This case stands as an example of how "common people" behave like a mob, seeking someone to blame whether they are guilty or not, and having any scapegoat serves to satisfy them. Actual justice—the truly guilty being punished—is not the concern of the herd. So long as they can consider an irksome situation solved is all that matters, and the lives of those who are fodder for this are considered worthless. Rather interesting in an age when each person is told (erroneously) that they are each "somebody," that whatever they think must be considered worthy of contemplation regardless of how poorly justified such thoughts and opinions might be. If their peers suddenly see them as having done something against the values they ostensibly hold in common, then all bets are off and the sloppy hugs of brotherhood end as the handcuffs are snapped-on and the cell doors slam closed. Of course, as always, anyone perceived to be "weird" and thus not part of the community should always stand alert as they are typically first on the scapegoat list, innocence being damned for the angry hoards seeking peace of mind.

TI: In the same essay you give rise to the Satanic perspective. I have noticed how well you share this in interviews and in written word but no matter how eloquent it always seems soon forgotten with media and the herd. Example: post the release of The West Memphis Three, reporters have described the Robin Hood Hills crime scene as "satanic." Do you find this frustrating or as to be expected?

PHG: Expected. People in general rarely advance in knowledge, particularly when such information does not impact upon their lives in any direct way. Humans are a slothful species, slovenly self-centered, and few attempts are ever made to understand anything beyond their immediate experiences. Reporters these days are lazier than ever. Even with the Internet serving as a vast storehouse of information, they usually cannot be bothered to research much of anything before simply spewing whatever pops into their heads. While there is much nonsense on line, and thus filtering it for valuable nuggets can be tiresome, few even make the effort to search.

TI: The Satanic Scriptures is a welcomed addition to the Satanic canon and is viewed as a companion to The Satanic Bible. Do you have plans to release another book?

PHG: Yes, certainly. I continue to write about topics of interest and when I feel there is enough material to warrant publication I will put that into motion.

The New Black House
The New Black House

TI: Ten years now as High Priest of The Church Of Satan. What has been your most memorable experience as High Priest?

PHG: It has been an eventful decade. There have been turning-point events, such as our celebration of the Church's 40th anniversary on June 6, 2006 C.E., which served to clean house of those who saw the organization only as a platform for publicizing their own endeavors. Our more private time in the Hellfire Caves was also a moving—and telling—experience. More significant have been many encounters with individuals who have played a role in enriching my life, and fortunately far fewer dealings with self-proclaimed adversaries wanting to waste my time. When Peggy (High Priestess Nadramia) and I purchased our Victorian home in 2009, that served to realize a life-long dream that we shared. The consecration of the ritual chamber for this second generation Black House on Walpurgisnacht XLV A.S. was certainly a magical experience, and those who were present to share it with Peggy and I seemed to understand the history being made.

TI: Some Church Of Satan members are bringing awareness to individuals all over the world. They offer a wide range of ideas and choices. In a greetings statement you remarked that "The availability of such options will always threaten tyrants who wish to force "infidels," often on pain of death, towards conversion to their "One True Way." What results or symbols have you noticed so far that stem from this movement?

PHG: That Satanism in its true, rational form can be discovered globally by any who are drawn to it by their nature, has brought individuals to step forward and display their personal creativity in so many fields of endeavor. These works provide the proof to outsiders that Satanism serves well for certain individuals as a guiding philosophy which can bring one a deeply satisfying life. Satanists fan their creative sparks into infernos of productivity, and Peggy and I are privileged to see much of it that cannot yet be sent forth under the aegis of Satanism. While we are in times wherein religious madness flourishes, there is a dedicated opposition of freethinkers, including Satanists, and that trend is growing in numbers and power. But the struggle between reason and faith does not have a given outcome. That war is likely to continue for generations to come.

TI: I understand that you have a love of architecture. What are some of your favorite sites to visit and how did this interest begin?

PHG: From my earliest youth I was always fascinated by the structures I saw around me as well as those in films and books. I enjoyed studying about "lost civilizations" and always considered the ruins of such cultures to be evocative of whatever had taken place in them. History fascinates me as it explains much about human behavior. I lived in an area that had many mansions—some of which were ruined and easy to explore—and so moving amongst the forgotten relics to be found in such spaces served my own imaginative recreations of their pasts. Whenever I travel it pleases me to visit historic sites, as their formal design embodies whatever functions they served, and the modes of construction display the brilliance of the people who conceived and built them. Lately, exploring the many mansions in the Hudson Valley has been inspirational. The world's power brokers built refuges here in the "Golden Age" (circa 1900-1929), most meant to glorify their owners and so they are opulent recreations of European palaces.

TI: Your work with the Apocalyptic Black/Death Metal band, ACHERON gained the attention of many fans and artists in that genre and is still hailed as a unique musical amalgam. What are your thoughts when you look back at your time working with them?

PHG: I found it worth my time to try and bring a more orchestral style of musical bombast into a genre that was falsely being presented as if it were some sort of official music of Satanism. My music was always a solo and separate thing from the music created by that band. I attempted to show fans of that genre that there could be powerful, dark music that did not require guitars and "cookie monster" voices to be emblematic of Satanic themes. If my efforts got some listeners to pursue orchestral music by great composers as well as outstanding film scores, then my goal was fulfilled.

Threnody for Humanity
Threnody for Humanity

TI: Many Satanists that have created original music (myself included) have acknowledged your 'Threnody For Humanity' as inspiration. Do you plan to release new material or will there be a follow up to 'Threnody For Humanity'?

PHG: I'm flattered that my music can inspire others towards creating their own. I have delivered some of my short pieces for free download here: I have some pieces in progress which will eventually be released, but I don't expect to have time to complete them until my studio has been relocated to The Black House.

TI: I understand that you enjoy Creature Features and horror comics the likes of 'Tales From The Crypt'. How did this interest begin and do you enjoy any modern horror movies?

PHG: The first two novels I read as a child were Stoker's DRACULA and Wells' WAR OF THE WORLDS, and I always enjoyed horror, science fiction, and fantasy films—Harryhausen's stop motion creatures particularly fascinated me. So following manifestations of these genres in literature, comics, and films seemed a natural course for me. Horror films seem to go through periodic fads—usually following one movie that makes money and thus spawns sequels and imitators, so one needs to define what are the current trends, which too shall pass. Right now we are still in the throes of "torture porn," movies which depict graphic pain, mutilation, and suffering seemingly just to wallow voyeuristically in such acts. I have no interest in that body of work, since the world is already filled with deeds of injustice and I don't need to view recreations of it. Also there is the vogue for false "reality" films, using the documentary style or the gimmick of claiming to have found "actual footage" to fool the audience into perhaps accepting a fiction as depicting reality. These mostly bore me, as I know they are fake and I prefer to see movies shot with the highest level of cinematography, brilliantly edited and scored creatively to create an artistic fictional experience showing all participants to be at the height of their abilities. There's not much of that going on in horror today, but even low budget, sincere films meant to create uniquely horrifying characters and situations can be worthwhile. So many films shot in the 1970s were of that sort, and they still are a pleasure to watch as everyone both in front of and behind the cameras often gave their best regardless of the funding behind their efforts.

TI: If you were given a Hollywood budget and were asked to create a film having 100% creative control, what film would you make and why?

PHG: There are several projects I am attempting to launch and they must remain under wraps for now. In Hollywood, nobody has 100% creative control, and as a pragmatist I would never expect such an effort to go beyond having a team that should be working towards realizing my vision to the best of their abilities. We shall see!

TI: What type of leisure activity do you enjoy the most when you have time to yourself?

PHG: Listening to music by my favorite composers—Mahler, Bruckner, and Shostakovich as well as exploring obscure symphonies newly recorded. Also viewing favorite films—usually science fiction, horror (vampire films are of particular interest), fantasy, and film noir. It pleases me that older films are being remastered for HD release, so that I can have relatively pristine prints to watch. Current video technology allows for a much more cinematic experience at home than ever before, and that is a boon since one then need not rub elbows with annoying people at movie theatres.

The Goat of Mendes by Peter H. Gilmore
The Goat of Mendes by Peter H. Gilmore

TI: A topic that I rarely hear discussed is your interest in painting. I was lucky enough to be among those to purchase the first edition of The Satanic Scriptures, which features your painting 'The Goat of Mendes' in full color. Do you have other paintings that are available for viewing and when did you first take up the art form?

PHG: I have been drawing and painting since my mother encouraged me to do so as a child. She was a talented amateur. I have other paintings as well as collages that are in my lairs. Most of these are intended for viewing in person by our guests. The Black House has space for me to set up a studio area dedicated to painting, so I will be doing more of that soon.

TI: Many Satanists enjoy the practice of Greater Magic. What would you advise the eager student who has just purchased The Satanic Bible concerning Greater Magic?

PHG: Greater Magic is most effective when done either as solo work or with a trusted few who understand and share your goals, adding to the dramatic atmosphere you've established in your chamber. While most new to Satanism want to imitate the services of other religions, gathering as many as possible, that is in fact a detraction from the true catharsis one seeks in working with ritual. Most people are deadwood. They are worse than props since they actively negate what is being attempted. Also, for the beginner, one need not have fancy regalia and tools—even with no tools at all, if one's imagination is powerful then the proper emotional release can be obtained.

The Satanic Scriptures by Magus Peter H. Gilmore
The Satanic Scriptures by Magus Peter H. Gilmore

TI: What was your deciding factor in releasing the forbidden rites found in The Satanic Scriptures?

PHG: The wedding and funeral rites were highly sought-after by our members and other Satanists in general, and are now being employed by them to create their own traditions during landmark life-events for which these serve. The Rite of Ragnarok had been released in THE FENRIS WOLF 3 in 1993, but had been long out of print, so it seemed appropriate to bring it forth once again. Those who have used it often experience life-changing results.

TI: As the holiday fast approaches does Halloween have any significant meaning for you?

PHG: This Halloween will be the 30th anniversary of Peggy and I being married, and so we will celebrate our love and partnership that began even before we were wed. We created that ceremony and it served as the basis for the one released in my book. It has been a truly indulgent and utterly fulfilling three decades together, and we look forward to the decades of mutual delight to come!

TI: I extend to you my thanks, Magus Gilmore, for participating and answering these questions for The Third Degree.


P.O. Box 499 Radio City Station, New York, NY 10101-049

By Peter H. Gilmore
By Peter H. Gilmore



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