Get ready for a real treat… In 2021, as the #psychartcult lecture series was in full swing, this lovely confluence happened. We were honored to have my old friend and Magistra Templi Rex of the Church of Satan, Blanche Barton, present a paper called “Dancing in the Graveyard – Death Imagery in Satanism.” And I presented my “Memento Mori Forever” talk – subsequently published in my book Source Magic – The Origins of Art, Science & Culture.
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Extra special thanks to the Morbid Anatomy crew for making this possible, and to Vanessa for moderating/hosting. And to Blanche, for being there and being brilliant.
Vade Ultra!
P.S. If you haven’t got a copy already, I strongly recommend Blanche’s book We Are Satanists.
—Magister Carl Abrahamsson