Last month the recently exhumed corpse of Toybox Records sprung back to life with the announcement of upcoming releases and new its first new apparel designs in over 20 years (just in time for the holidays).
Today brings the exciting news that two quintessential Cleveland metal-core records have finally been released online. Until now the only way to hear these LaVey influenced Satanic tunes was paying top dollar on the collector market for long out of print vinyl or CDs. Ascension’s “The Years of Fire” (1996) and “Abomination” (1998) have both been remastered and sound cleaner and crunchier than ever, and this new digital release ensure a much wider audience now has the chance to appreciate them.

“Integrity and Ringworm were always exploring metal influences, but Ascension really took the metal ball and ran with it.” – Dwid Hellion, Integrity