AP7: The Downfall of Feminism
There was a time when the term feminism meant social equality between the genders. There was also a time when the streets were safe, the air was clean, and livable wages were commonplace. Sadly, those days are long gone. But join us as we sift through the wreckage of the women’s movement with an emphasis on its third wave phase and all of its infighting, contradictions, false conclusions, hysteria, fabrications, and the various thin-skinned reactions that come to loosely define this anything-goes collective. Opening quotation read by Heather Height.
The Accusation Party is your guide to the third side, representing critical thought and analysis with a complete disregard for mainstream censure. It is total free speech—no trigger warnings, no political correctness, no privilege checking, no cultural inclusiveness. Nothing is sacred. None will be spared.
For more information, please visit www.accusationparty.com