50 Jahre Church of Satan
Exquisite Essays und Interviews
language commemorative book in honour of the 50th anniversary of the Church of
“50 Jahre
Church of Satan“ starts with a retrospective of the legendary cabal in form of
a historical and symbolical topography, subsequently examines the many facets
and meanings of the figurehead Satan, gives founder Anton Szandor LaVey a
chance to speak in a rare interview from “Modern Primitives” about tattoos,
alienation and stratification, but also contains interviews with current High
Priest Maestro Peter H. Gilmore about the religion
of the carnal and outstanding individuals, as well as philosophical nuances and
the present global political situation from a Satanic point of view. Apart from
pragmatic and philosophical reflections concerning the question “What do
Satanists want?” the reader can finally expect the description of a Satanic
Priest about his development culminating in the festivities of the anniversary
of the Church of Satan on Walpurgisnacht 2016.
50 Jahre Church of Satan
Exquisite Essays und Interviews
German language
124 pages, Hardcover
Edition Esoterick Publishing
Bonn, Germany, LI A.S.