A BAT SALUTE TO ADAM WEST! In memoriam Adam West, whose Batman was an exemplar of composed reason, sharp wit and effective action—and he employed such snazzy equipment! You will continue to inspire and entertain generations to come! Hail Adam West! —Magus Peter H. Gilmore
Daily Archives: June 10, 2017
2 posts
In Defense of The Feared Religion People wonder why we rigorously defend our definition of Satanism. Why not let it mean whatever anyone wants it to mean? For hundreds of years, “satanism” was defined by followers of Abrahamic religions as the ultimate condemnation towards enemies. Poets and literary figures explored Satan as a hero, but not until LaVey was there a concrete, rational and coherent definition of what Satanism is and isn’t. Today “satanism” has again become an insult hurled at anything someone despises. Islam, Jews, Christians, LGBT, liberals, republicans, democrats, comedians, fidget spinners, pop music—all recently accused of “satanism.” Wrong. We’re […]