New Chapter in M.R. Stover’s Dark Fantasy Series Now Available Chapter Five is now available on Amazon Glom has gathered thousands upon thousands of its Slave-Soldiers to assault the vast Southern Fortress of Apal. Bloodstone. Join Prethor as he and the forces of Apal fight the invading army as they besiege Desolations Gate and fight upon the walls of Bloodstone over The Path of Blood. Kindle Print
Daily Archives: October 11, 2016
CONFESSIONS OF A WICKED WITCH #27 (RADIO FREE SATAN) A couple of months after the Church of Satan 50th anniversary activities, Magistra Ygraine recorded much thoughts on the experience. Unfortunately, some of those recording were lost. We’ve salvaged what was left here. Also hear thoughts on other topics such as the 2016 U.S. elections, and finishing with a nasty hex on a well-deserved scumbag!
Gyps Fulvus “Night Blue Lich” T-Shirt Now Available A brand new Gyps Fulvus T-Shirt, “Night Blue Lich”, is now available for sale! This high quality shirt is available for custom order in any size from S through XXXL at $30 USD, plus shipping and handling. All who purchase a t-shirt will instantly receive a free digital download of Gyps’ latest album The Lich: Book I. For the Halloween season, an assortment of Gyps Fulvus T-Shirts with album cover art and various new designs are available for custom order through the Gyps Fulvus Bandcamp webstore. Click on the photo or […]