Harry O. Morris: Artist’s Portfolio An utterly exquisite compendium of the magical imagery of Harry O. Morris. This hardcover volume makes for a codex tenebrarum of Morris’ visionary surrealism, assembled in a handsomely wrought book. Aficionados of elegantly rendered surrealist vistas will treasure this comprehensive assembly of work by this major artist. Collected within are images wrought for our own publications GRUE, NARCOPOLIS, as well as THE BLACK FLAME, for which he crafted a haunting portrait of Anton Szandor LaVey. Morris will intrigue, disturb and beguile you with his powerful images. —Magus Peter H. Gilmore From the Amazon description: Harry O. […]
Daily Archives: April 2, 2015
Witch Marilyn Mansfield will be featured on the television show “Chopped” on the Food Network airing Tuesday, April 7th! Please visit this link for show time in your area.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has denied Matthew Beck, an entrepreneur who has already registered “Hookers for Jesus” and Redneck Jesus” his attempt to trademark the name “Porno Jesus” for a line of adult entertainment products. Attorney’s for the office said the name “consists of or comprises immoral or scandalous matter” and “includes matter which may disparage or bring into contempt or disrepute persons, institutions, beliefs or national symbols.” The appeals board was worried the mark links Jesus with pornography and could upset Christian Americans. Hmmm, wonder if the Trademark Office folks would have a problem with “Porno Satan”? […]
Infernal Ink Magazine, which is owned and published by Witch Hydra M. Star and Citizen Dave Lipscomb, is a quarterly magazine focused on publishing extremely dark and violent adult fiction and poetry. In addition to their fictional offerings, they offer non-fiction content in the form of articles, interviews, and art exploring a variety of topics in this same vein. Available in: Print / Kindle / PDF PDF copies are only available for sale the first month after release.