The solstice tide is upon us and, as kin to the rest of Earth’s species, we feel at one with the cycling of the seasons on this gloriously beautiful planet that is our home. Thus, celebration of that turning wheel comes naturally to us. Some Satanists might feel alienated by parts of the holiday hubbub promoting Christianity, yet obviously heathen trappings have long been the dominant décor. Recall that the Christians lifted this holiday from the pagans, pasting their pallid savior over more robust traditions which have never been vanquished. Jolly Santa Claus, who has come to signify wish fulfillment, is a […]
Daily Archives: December 21, 2014
Tired of the same old Christmas songs poisoning the radio throughout the month of December? Then stop by and have “One Hell of a Christmas!!!” “Helliday Mayhem” is a brand new single. Another pisstake on the winter holiday season, and what the masses perceive as a “wholesome” time of year. This one will have you banging your heads, thrashing around the tree, and violently tearing at things like……presents! Yule get a kick out of it! http://onehellofachristmas.bandcamp.com
THE SHADOW GALLERY – CODEX TENEBRAE – THE AESTHETIC MANIFESTATION Satanic Devilutions Over 220 full color framed archetypal illustrations are featured herein this diabolical photo book, detailing a myriad of nefarious metaphorical & occult concepts in a psychodramatic Horror-oriented style. This truly Wicked Tome contains a plethora of Traditional Drawings, sketches, and technomantic photo-manipulations, mixed media, complete with descriptions and story lines from cover to cover of infernal visions into the Abyss of the Shadow Side of the mind. A Word of Warning Dare you step inside this tenebrous gallery of terror-filled delights? The observer will be exposed to all […]
New Article – Helle discusses Dr. LaVey’s Personality Synthesizer Clock, featuring Magistra Blanche Barton, Magistra Waytz, Witch Marilyn Mansfield and many more.