The punk rock n’ roll cabaret of DANSE dESADE comes to Brooklyn with the newly formed SLUT JUNKIES and the BAGHDADDIOS! Live at the ROCK SHOP, located at 249 Fourth Ave. Brooklyn N.Y. 11215 Expect goat heads, girls and monsters dancing to songs celebrating the carnal life and the glories of SATAN! Doors open 7:00, 21+ First band on at 8pm.
Daily Archives: August 11, 2014
I love animals. They are cute, cuddly and often delicious. I’ve always been amused at how some people cannot quite emotionally handle the obvious natural truth regarding the place of Homo Sapiens on the food chain of our planet. Horse lovers in America are adamant against horses being used for food, yet in France they have “cheval” on the menu. Monkey is a delicacy in the Far East. Dogs are a tasty meal in Vietnam and parts of China. Westerners are mostly repulsed. Silly, really. Recently, National Public Radio had a story about the growing availability of guinea pig on […]
In his essay “The Third Side: The Uncomfortable Alternative” (Satan Speaks, Feral House, 1998), Magus Anton Szandor LaVey shatters the commonly-held notion that there are “two sides to every issue,” and defines the Satanic perspective as the Third Side. It is from this pespective that our articulate members will present to you their individual commentary on current events, media, politics, and culture. Here on our official website you will find the most recent posts from our Third Side Intelligence feed which is streamed at Come view erudition and opinion from the minds of those with a truly Satanic point of view. Welcome to Third Side Intelligence.
Many Satanists consider the United States to be the world’s first Satanic republic. Non-Satanists may be surprised to learn that this means the Church of Satan advocates secular government. This country clearly needs a reminder that true religious liberty demands rational secularism to properly accommodate divergent beliefs. Individual Satanists profess a wide range of mutually exclusive political views, but ultimately agree upon certain core principles: freedom of choice, personal responsibility, and meritocracy. In an interview on the Leonard Lopate Show, author Matthew Stewart discusses the boldly secular foundation of the United States, which is our ultimate defense against the lurking threat […]
The most believable fictional characters do not exist in a vacuum and neither do their creators. While the masses need every quote and reference spoon fed to them, the Satanist will find great satisfaction in independent research and discovery. Do directors or screenwriters need to disclose all their influences upfront, regardless if they give credit independently? That’s both impractical and unnecessarily breaks the audience’s engagement with their work. Also question demands from hypersensitive critics who believe all perspectives need to be represented equally at all times, regardless of the creative intent of the creator. —Reverend Raul Antony
In a bizarre turn of events (contorting both the law and the dictionary to their very limits), the DC Medical Examiner has ruled James Brady’s death A HOMICIDE. The reasoning being that the injuries he received 33 years ago led to his death. Um, excuse me, but if it took 33 years that’s not what killed you, James. Sure, the injuries compromised him, even changed him irrevocably. But “killed” him? I don’t think so. I didn’t see the autopsy or the report, but I find the whole idea impossible. Every one of us has a 100% mortality rate, meaning this […]
Hard to believe we’re seeing this story in good ol’ 2014, but here it is. Ah, the classics. These yarns sure do make my Jew horns ache, especially since everybody knows it’s the dang CAT-LICKS what drink blood and eat skin. —Magistra Ruth Waytz
Sinning This Summer? Let Old Nick Really Heat Things Up! If you’ve missed some of Old Nick’s most popular features and Satanically stimulating photo spreads here’s your chance to catch up on what you’ve been missing! After the successful release of our Classic Issue, readers clamored for more vintage Old Nick. So, we’re giving the Devil his due and we’ve put together this special Throwback Issue with a brand new centerfold layout of Temptress Jezebel along with other surprises! Get this Collector’s Edition while it lasts! The print issue can be found on MagCloud. The more explicit digital XXX edition […]
The Nightmare Engine Issue 7 features seven short horror stories, including tales by Rick Powell, M.R.Stover, G.R.Wilson, and Michael K. Silva, spanning from supernatural horror to horror science fiction. Click on the image above to order your copy!